What does sperm taste like?
A lot of people – and not just women – wonder about the taste of sperm. Every day we get e-mails from people asking “What does sperm taste like?” It is important to clarify, however, that when someone asks this question, he/she actually wants to know about the taste of the semen, right?
After all, you just cannot take sperm out of semen to taste it. Often the words sperm and semen are used to describe what most people refer to as ‘cum’ but it’s important to note that they are NOT the same thing. Although sperm is certainly ONE ingredient in semen – it is not interchangeable with the term semen. The amount of sperm in semen is actually just 2% or less of the actual volume of male ejaculate.
So sperm itself does not actually have a taste – as sperm are microscopic in size. SEMEN however does definitely have a taste! If you really want to know the real taste of semen from a woman’s perspective, simply keep reading!
What is semen actually made of?
In order to know the taste of semen, it is important to first gain some knowledge about the composition of it. About 96% of semen is water and only 2% of it is sperm. The rest consists of fructose, which nourishes sperm; sodium bicarbonate, which protects sperm from the acidic environment in the vagina; vitamin C, which keeps sperm healthy; and several minerals, such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and potassium.
It is due to these proteins, enzymes and minerals that the basic taste of semen is slightly warm and salty. Some may also describe it as slightly sweeter, while others (though not many!) may describe semen as tasteless.
“Does sperm have a taste? What is semen actually made of? Is semen the same as sperm?”
If you could read our ‘mailbag’ you would notice one thing repeatedly – there’s a lot of confusion surrounding the topic of cum/sperm/semen and ejaculate. Many, many people seem to think of sperm and semen as the same thing.
Although people often interchange the words semen and sperm to mean the same thing – the fact is that the words semen and sperm do not refer to the same thing. Semen is what men “shoot out” during ejaculation – and is often referred to as “cum”. However, sperm is only a small component of semen – making up 2% or less of the actual ingredients in semen.
What semen is made of:
- 96% of semen is made up of water
- Sperm, which account for about 2 percent of ejaculate volume
- Fructose, fruit sugar, which nourishes sperm
- Vitamin C, which helps keep sperm healthy
- Sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline compound that protect sperm from the slightly acid environment of the vagina
- Various proteins and enzymes
- Several minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium–and zinc, which gives semen its odd, metallic taste
What does semen taste like? – Here’s what women think.
As a woman, I have swallowed my share of semen. It’s one of the reasons they brought me on as a writer at LargerLoads – just kidding! (I hope) Not that I have been with hundreds of guys or anything, but for the men I’ve known, the taste has ranged anywhere from ‘not bad at all’ – to ‘downright disgusting’.
It’s hard to argue that most semen tastes a bit salty, but sometimes semen can taste quite sweet – and this is usually what women would prefer when it comes to swallowing a man’s spunk.
Here’s a bit more about what women say in reply to the question, “What does sperm taste like?”
10 Women describe what they think semen tastes like:
1) FRESH OYSTERS – “I gagged a little the first time I tried it. It reminded me about the taste and feel of raw oysters, only a little more watery. There’s also the pervasive taste of salt, which I really am not crazy about. I don’t know why it’s so important to guys that you swallow, but every single one of them seems to enjoy it when you do. I guess it turns them on.” – Kathryn, 26
2) Copper Pennies – “Every man seems to taste different. Sometimes very bitter, others are sweeter tasting. But most of the time there is always this lingering aftertaste of pennies in my mouth. Like really old pennies with an acidic taste to it. But you kinda get used to it.” – Amanda, 20
3) CHLORINE – “My man’s semen smells like cleaning products used for bleaching. I’d say it tastes like a creamy chlorine cleanser with a bleachy flavor. And it always leaves this really awkward taste at the back of my throat. No wonder why most women don’t like it. Semen is something that is not worth tasting, unless you really love the guy.” – Cassandra, 31
4) TRUFFLES – “Actually, I don’t mind the taste of it. It’s not that I love it, but I can live with it. It’s just like a thick liquid with a salty taste to it. It somehow tastes like Black truffle.” – Kirstie, 39
5) BALLOONS – “Do you remember that taste you had when you chewed on a balloon as a kid? That’s exactly how my boyfriend’s semen tastes like, only a lot saltier. I guess it’s not that bad at all. It might not be for everyone, but you’ll never know until you try.” – Sophia, 20
6) SALTY MUSHROOMS – “My boyfriend’s cum has an acidic and bitter taste most of the time. I always get the impression I have some salty and very thick liquid in my mouth that has a distinct flavor of mushrooms. It’s nothing like I’ve ever tasted before, and the texture is also very unique.” – Marsha, 22
7) SEAWATER – “During my time in college I’ve given a lot of head, so I know firsthand that flavors somewhat differ. It’s not only that each man’s semen tastes different, but also that the taste of one man can vary heavily. It depends on what they eat or drink. But if I had to pin it down to one common denominator, I’d say it always tastes like salty seawater. Sometimes it’s really viscous and burns a little in the back of my throat. Other times it’s a little sweet and not at all thick, but really watery.” – Helena, 27
8) SOAP – “Well, I wouldn’t say semen tastes delicious or anything, but it’s okay-ish. Sometimes it makes me feel icky, because it has this soapy off-taste to it. At the same time, it’s not entirely repulsive either. Most guys enjoy it when a girl swallows, so I just do it and get on. And who says that the favor isn’t returned?” – Sandra, 21
9) SALTY GOO – “I’m convinced there are some chemicals in my husband’s semen that get me really aroused. It’s like an aphrodisiac to me. I just love every aspect of it, the warmth, the unique taste, really everything, even the smell. I even enjoy swallowing his cum. Some men have a really thick seminal fluid, others are more watery. Some of them really seemed to explode when they came, others just dribbled.” – Victoria, 43
10) SHAMPOO – “Personally, I really don’t like the whole feel to it. It somehow tastes like salty shampoo, unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. Its texture is so awkward and slimy that I really try to avoid it as much as I can. My boyfriend has no problem with using a condom for a blow job. Lucky me, I guess!” – Kathleen, 20
As you can see – there’s a wide variety of opinions when it comes to describing what semen tastes like. It seems fair to say that some women love it, some women hate it – and most other women fall somewhere in between.
You may notice one common theme when it comes to describing the taste of semen is this: salty. Generally speaking most women find semen to be a bit salty – however there are steps men can take to make their semen taste a bit sweeter.
Foods That Can Make Semen Taste Better
Some food items can improve the taste of semen. Pineapple juice and cinnamon are two ‘superfoods’ that can greatly improve the taste of your semen. Foods with high sugar content are more like to make semen taste sweeter. Other foods that can make semen taste better are parsley, wheatgrass, peppermint and lemon.
Foods That Can Make Semen Taste Bitter
If you have consumed alcohol or used illegal drugs, the semen will taste bitter. Similarly, pork and beef can also make the semen taste saltier. Caffeine is another factor making semen taste bitter and saltier. Men who consume high sulfur content, such as cabbage and broccoli, are more likely to have their semen taste bitter. Dairy products, onions and garlic will also affect the taste of semen, making it bitterer and saltier.
5 Ways men can improve the taste of their semen:
- FRUIT! Certain fruits (and their juices) like pineapple and cranberry will make semen taste sweeter
- Avoid alcohol and cigarettes – both negatively effect the taste of semen
- Hydrate. Drinking lots of water helps ‘dilute’ and filter out bad tastes associated with semen
- Beware of ‘strong’ tasting foods like asparagus and garlic, etc
- Avoide Caffeine – coffee and tea contain a fair amount of caffeine, which makes semen taste bitter
As you can see, there are many things men can do to improve the taste of their semen. The golden rule that most women will agree with is that ‘sweet‘ is better than ‘bitter‘ when it comes to swallowing semen. The more a guy can help ‘sweeten’ his semen – the more likely he is to receive oral sex.
If your guy is looking to produce more semen or thicker semen, there are now supplements available that can dramatically increase a man’s semen load. Check out our top 3 sperm pills to give your guy a huge load and porn star finish!
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