How frequently should men ejaculate?
First of all, don’t worry guys – this isn’t a trick question! Also, please note that the article is based on how often you should “ejaculate” – NOT masturbate! Of course we fully advocate masturbating as often as you see fit!
Seriously though, most guys will admit that ejaculating is both pleasurable and rewarding – and most of us would like to do it as often as possible. But did you know that how often you ejaculate actually affects your overall health?
According to several studies, ejaculating frequently—during sex, masturbation, or while sleeping—can reduce men’s risk of prostate cancer.
A 2016 study got a bit more specific on what the researchers mean by “frequently.” After surveying 32,000 men from 1992 to 2010, the study found that participants who reported ejaculating at least 21 times per month during their 20s were 19 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who ejaculated seven times per month or less. If you’re in your 40s, there’s even better news: frequent ejaculation reduces your prostate cancer risk by 22 percent.
What does your Prostate do?
Although men hear about the prostate regularly – mainly in the context of prostate cancer – the fact is that most of us don’t even know what the prostate does in the body. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland that plays an important role in ejaculation. It produces the fluid in semen and helps push this fluid out when a man ejaculates.
According to a 2016 study in European Eurology, men who ejaculate more frequently are less likely to develop prostate cancer, compared to those who ejaculate less often.
“While our findings should be confirmed in studies that evaluate the potential biological mechanisms underlying the observed associations, the results of our study suggest that ejaculation and safe sexual activity throughout adulthood could be a beneficial strategy for reducing the risk of prostate cancer,” Jennifer Rider, lead author of the study, said in a press release.
This study wasn’t the first to make the connection, though. An Australian study of 2,338 men found that men who averaged 4.6 to seven ejaculations a week were 36 percent less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 70 than men who ejaculated less than 2.3 times a week, on average.
Should you be concerned about ejaculation frequency?
According to a centuries-old Taoist belief, men need to practice controlled ejaculation frequency if they want to help boost their health, longevity, and strength. This means that men should still engage in sexual intercourse and other activities, but that they also should significantly limit the number of times they ejaculate as part of the session. If putting the reins on your ejaculation sounds a bit scary, let’s take a closer look at this philosophy.
The reasoning behind controlled ejaculation frequency, according to Taoists, is that the body has a limited supply of primordial energy. A man’s general lifespan, as well as his sexual lifespan, are determined by the lifestyle he lives and how quickly he uses up his energy. Certain lifestyle habits can replenish and strengthen that energy, and controlled ejaculation frequency is one of them.
Basically, men want to increase as much as possible the amount of age-defying hormones that are secreted during sexual excitement while simultaneously reducing as much as possible the loss of semen and the related hormones through ejaculation. The retention of these substances can be reused by the body to increase strength.
Taoist philosophy also maintains that this practice allows men to maintain consistently high testosterone levels and libido, along with greater levels of semen and sperm. Another reported benefit is that it strengthens the brain. Believers maintain that semen contains essential nutrients and hormones that are absorbed by the prostate. From there they enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body, including the brain. It’s a scientific fact that both cerebrospinal fluids and semen contain the same basic ingredients, therefore the idea that semen can nourish the brain is not farfetched.
A 2018 study found that men who abstained from ejaculation for seven days showed a peak rise in serum testosterone of 145.7 percent of baseline. Scores of studies have demonstrated that low testosterone levels are associated with a variety of symptoms, including flagging libido, abdominal obesity, loss of muscle strength and tone, fatigue, and erectile dysfunction. Therefore, steps that help maintain or raise testosterone levels are probably desirable for many men and controlled ejaculation frequency may be one of those steps.
So what does it all mean? Well, in a nutshell – the bottom line is that fairly frequent ejaculation is good for your health and can noticeably decrease your chances of getting prostate cancer. If you already ejaculate 20 times per month or more – keep up the good work! If you ejaculate less than 20 times per month, you now have incentive to ratchet things up and add a few more ejaculations to your “to do” list.
If you want even more information on ejaculation and your health – check out the results of this Harvard study on ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer.
In the meantime – take comfort in knowing that every time you ejaculate – whether you do it yourself or with the help of a partner or loved one – you are helping your health and improving your chances for a long, happy life!
Andrews L. Conscious ejaculation; a key to men’s vitality. Dr. Lia Andrews 2013 Nov 18
Jiang M et al. A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. Journal of Zheijiang University. Science 2003 Mar-Apr; 4(2): 236-40
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